Tuesday 27 August 2019



I being I
Is it a crime, bezzie
You being you
Please tell me without a lie

Mom sitting for ritual
Depricates to ask jasmine
to behave like rose
But orders me to act
like my classmate

Dad watching the lion
Abhors to ask lion
to act like Bison
But commands me to learn
from my companion

Uncle sitting under hot sun
Distastes to ask sun
to act like moon
But comments me to learn
from his dear son

They tried to change jasmine
but it ended in vain
They've tried to change lion
But it ended futile
They tried to change sun
but it ended ineffective

Now humans tried hard
To fabricate their identity card
and successfully created crossbreed
where Jasmine smells rose
and lion looks Bison

At that moment
Understood the hard fact
That problem never rests in nature;
The problem lives with human nature
which is causing the rupture


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