Let the INDIA answer

Let the India answer
India, a land of gold and sunshine said Shakespeare
Is the sun that shone for Shakespeare
Try to hear the hidden fear?
Indian jewelry is a thing to be possessed said Woolf
Is the India jewelry which attracted Woolf
Turned misogynist as a woman's noose?
India, a land of dreams in reality said Romain Rolland
Is the land of dreams in reality of Rolland
Now turned into the dreams not to be dreamt?
India, a cradle of human race said Mark Twain
Is the cradle of human race
Finding it hard to maintain its pace?
Indian way of life provides real way of life said Shaw
Is the land that provides real way to life
Dreaming in the day light of his chief?
India teaches gentleness in mind said Will Durant
Is the land that taught gentleness
Burning in the religious fanatic ashes?
India, an epitome of present day world said Toynbee
Is the epitome of the Toynbee's world
Staggering because of the political uncanny parallels?
Let the India answer... 

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  1. Hi sir this is Rishikesh.you are having a great peotry skills sir . You are inspiration to many.
