The proposal (English poem)

The Proposal

Many of my friends ask me why don't I write Romantic love stories. I'm a writer by passion and cause. I write what I feel but don't want to create an artificial environment for myself for creating eroticism in my readers and en cash them. Before reading my next paragraph please go through the poem once and come back to read the second paragraph

I started Rumi's poetry few days back. It was actually a discussion with my friend which made me read it. Of late, I feel in love with the book. The book is gonna complete and only a page is left. I fear what to read from today before I sleep... Just felt writing this poem. Post your valuable feedback before leaving

The Proposal

Found you at my friends home
Feel in love with your looks
Brought you home with care
At first I used to get dizzy seeing you
Once it was an infatuation
Now it's an affection
When I started discovering you
Had hearty laugh talking with you
Sometimes you've made me cry
At times you've taught me lessons
Vacations with you are indelible in memory
Had talks with you at night till I get sleepy
Sometimes I suddenly wake up to talk to you
Now I can't sleep without talking to you
Now our relationship is in the last page
Fearing that I may not talk to you again
Lemme read a word a day
So that if takes time to let the page complete
Let loneliness not linger in me
Please, will you marry me?

- Pity Parker
01 August, 2020
Dedicated to Rumi

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  1. Your last page ended our bondage����
