Poem on Orphans(Son of the Sun)

Poem on Orphans
Dicken's Oliver Twist touched my heart and insisted me to write a poem on the plight of ORPHANS. This is an Outcome of such by me.

SON of the SUN

I live on street
Eating the shit
Who cares for my fate?
Please look at me my deity
I know not who I am
Uhh! Who knows who I am?

Disappointed of these facts
I looked at the skies
They have companions
I looked at the trees
The Stems have their friends, Leaves
I looked at the grounds
I see kids playing with their buddies
I looked at the stars
They are happy with their spouses
I looked myself into the dusted mirrors
I see my eyes interacting each other as workmates
I looked the crowd passing by my sides in rallies
I looked them enthusiastic with their comrades
I looked at the opened office gates
I looked people laughing with their confidants

I know not why I’m left on roads
Can anybody give me reasons
Uh! Who cares for these lives
Eyes full of tears
I looked in the middle of skies
In a blurred vision, noticed a single man without associates
Who gives life to all earthly lives
I knew he is the lord of lords
Happiness filled my hearts
I bet my shoulders myselves
That I’m son of lord of lord

- Pity Parker
Published on blogger on 2 July 2017.

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